Birthday Outfit Post! – 11/09/15

Friday 11th Septemeber 2015

What am I wearing?

Top: Primark – £6

Necklace: Poundland – £1

Skirt: old New Look – £19.99 (similar at Asos Curve)

Shoes: old H&M – £17.99 (similar at Primark)


So today (Monday the 14th of September) is my 21st birthday! Oh how exciting! On friday, my Mum had arranged a sort-of-surprise birthday party for me. She had told me that she was inviting my grandparents for dinner so to keep it the evening free, but another 20 people turned up to celebrate my early birthday party. I was so happy I had made the effort to look nice as I would have only usually worn my PJs to dinner! I thought of this outfit in about two seconds. I just grabbed things out of my bare wardrobe (as everything was then packed for university) and threw them together. Not bad if I say so myself!



I’m loving the ‘high neck’ trend at the moment as AW15 trends roll onto the high street. It’s hard for me not to go into a store and not get drawn into the beauty of it. I think it’s because I found the high necks really suit me. It’s strange really as all the ‘fashion rules’ that we obviously MUST abide by (hint the sarcasm), high neck’s are forbidden to those who have big boobs. Well I spit in the face of fashion laws! I think I look great! I especially love the colour of this top, as it is sort of a plum purple which is great for all seasons.

The skirt I bought in the spring of last year as a bit of a ‘get out of your comfort zone’ piece. Back then I was only just looking at myself differently as a strong, confident and hot woman instead of this undesired fat slob I thought I was. After I tried it on in store I knew it would become my ‘old faithful’ and oh lordy it really has. I can put almost any top with it and look brilly for any occasion!

The moustache necklace I saw in Poundland of all places! I clocked it when I was buying cleaning products for my new Uni house and just threw it in the basket as a little treat. I was actually really surprised about how much I liked the Poundland jewellery as I just imagined it as over-the-top-knock-off-tat but they actually had some really good pieces! I would definitely advise you to go and have a look!


With my make up, I decided to put on top eyeliner for the first time in yearrrrrrs. I took inspiration from my eyeliner queen, Katie – the goddess she is. I don’t really know why I don’t do it more often!? Oh wait yeah I do – it takes me foreverrrr. Probably because I can’t see very well but… oh well! I use a Barry M liquid eyeliner which I find is the best for me. However I do know that others that don’t get on with the Barry M product, but they are usually regular liquid eyeliner users. It’s good for once in a while I find anyway.

My lipstick is Maybelline’s ‘Colour Sensational Lipstick’ in Midnight Plum which I got from Boots for £6.99. It’s quite a Christmasy, sparkly colour but it matched my top so well I just had to wear it. I’m loving exploring deeper colours on my lips at the moment as I’m so used to wearing reds and pinks. It’s good to have a change up once in a while!

After I had had my mini photo shoot with Matt, we rejoined my wonderful party to chat, eat and drink the night away. Thank you so much for everyone coming and making me realise how much I appreciate and love you all. Thank you for celebrating my 21st with me! I means a lot!

Bring on the celebrations today! Happy 21st birthday to me!

Love ya, x

P.s. Shout out to Willy Berry for letting me use his internet and laptop to write this blog. Cheers boo. x

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